Last Updated on January 29, 2022 by Femniqe
Nowadays, three weeks isn’t long, being that time is flying by so fast.
So taking on this 21 day butt lift challenge won’t be overwhelming and you will see favorable results.
If you put in the work.😉
For this 21 day workout plan you will not only target your glutes but also your hip muscles. Which will help to enhance those smooth hip curves.
It’s perfect for beginners as well as for advanced persons. It has 3 super targeted butt and hip workouts.
One of the workouts will require a resistance band which will provide more tension to challenge your booty and hip muscles to grow.
Note: Resistance bands are ridiculously cheap, so sacrifice a pizza or latte to buy one. It’s worth it!🍑
This 21 day challenge will target all of the muscles around your glutes, which involves your hip muscles.
Here are some of the main muscles that will be targeted.
- Gluteus Maximus – This is the largest muscle(1) in the human body. It’s responsible for leg extension, the upward movement during a squat or coming up from a seated position.
- Gluteus Medius – The middle size glute muscles, is responsible for your internal and external rotation from your hips.
- Gluteus Minimus – This one is the smallest of the three as it helps with the rotation of your hips as well. This is one of the muscles that dictates the shape of your hips.
A calendar will be provided below that will have the sets and reps you should do for each day.
Let’s get into the workouts for this 21 day butt and wider hips challenge.
Here we go!🏁
1. Squat Stretch
This is one of the best workouts you can do that will target both glute and hip muscles.
You will absolutely feel the tension and burn, which is an indication that you’re working those muscles for growth.
How to do it
- Get into the wide squat position while your thighs are parallel to the ground,
- The resistance band should already be around both thighs at the knees.
- Slowly open your thighs apart as far as possible and hold for 1 second.
- Now slowly return back to the starting position and repeat.
2. Bent Kickbacks
A powerful glutes and hip builder. This exercise requires no equipment. It’s just gravity and the weight of your legs.
How to do it
- Lie face down on a bench or bed edge while both legs are hovering off the ground.
- Both legs should be bent at 90 degrees meaning your calves should be parallel to the ground.
- You’re going to slowly lift both bent legs up in the air as far as possible while squeezing those glutes hard.
- Hold for 1 second then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position and repeat.
3. Extended Kickbacks
This exercise is very similar to the bent kickbacks, except your legs will be straightened.
How to do it
- Lie face down on a bench or bed edge while both legs are hovering off the ground.
- Both legs should be bent at 90 degrees meaning your calves should be parallel to the ground.
- Instead of lifting your legs bent, you’re going to straighten them out and lift them as high as possible while contracting your glutes very hard.
- Hold for 1 second then slowly lower them back to the starting position and repeat.
21 Day Butt Lift & Wider Hips Challenge Calendar
Eating for results
If you have been following us for some time now, you would’ve noticed that in every post nutrition is emphasized.
Because without that it’s a lost cause. Bear in mind, you’re a reflection of your eating habits.
So if you want to change your look, you have to change your eating patterns and choices.
Now, it doesn’t have to be one of those annoying diets that restrict you from everything, but you have to make better choices in everything you consume.
Before you eat anything, ask yourself:
“What will this do for my body?”
“Will it take me closer to my fitness goals?”
Majority of what you eat must always take you closer to whatever fitness goals you have.
In this case, you want to build your glutes and transform the overall shape of your body.
Protein + healthy fats + carbs = Glute growth
If you follow the formula, you cannot go wrong. Make sure to check all the following resources:
There you have it, a 21 day workout plan that will reshape, grow your booty and develop sexy curves.
Make sure to follow the workout calendar and stick to the plan as much as possible.
By doing that, you’re ensuring that you will get the maximum results.👍