12 God-Sent Fruits For Weight Loss (All Delicious)

foods that make your buttocks bigger

Last Updated on February 2, 2020 by Femniqe

Sometimes fruits get a bad reputation in the fitness world because they have sugar.

But what they fail to mention is that it’s natural sugar and not the processed version. Processed sugar is the type you should try to minimize as much as possible in your daily diet.

Fruits contain tons of nutrients that do wonders for your body and also help to keep your stomach fuller.

In this post you’re going to learn 12 fat burning fruits that will take you closer to your weight loss goal.🏆

Let’s get started🏁

1. Watermelon

This is one of the best go-to fruits for weight loss as it is high in water content and has very few calories.

This makes it a perfect snack!

Watermelons are rich in amino acids called arginine(1) which will help burn fat.

One of the best things about this fruit is that it keeps you hydrated and satiated for a very long time.

This minimizes the need for unhealthy snacking throughout the day.

2. Guava

It’s packed with fiber, which makes it a perfect candidate as a weight loss super fruit.

It’s very low on the glycemic index(2) so it’s perfect for persons who have diabetes.

What’s this glycemic index?

This is basically a measurement carried out on foods about their influence on our blood sugar levels.

Another thing about guava is that it keeps your bowel movements smooth and proper, which aids in the fat burning process.

3. Apples

This is touted as one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.

It has many health benefits like reducing your cancer risk(3), reducing heart problems, makes your teeth whiter and enhances your immune system.

If your aim is to lose weight then you absolutely need to include apple in your daily diet.

One medium-sized apple contains about 50 calories and doesn’t contain any sodium or fat.

Plus, it’s packed with fiber which is another big benefit for weight loss.

4. Banana

Have you ever wanted to start your workout session but not feeling the energy?

Banana is there to the rescue! If you’re not eating banana then you’re missing out.

This is one of the ultimate fruits that has the best source of instant energy and is the perfect pre and post-workout snack.

They are absolutely healthier than packaged post-workout snacks like protein and energy bars that is normally packed with processed sugar and fat.

5. Pear

Did you know that pear can fulfill 1/4 of your daily fiber needs?

And not only that, it’s great for your digestive system, it minimizes cholesterol levels, and it reduces the risk of heart diseases and type two diabetes.

Just like other fruits on the list, it’s packed with fiber content to keep your stomach fuller for longer than normal.

6. Oranges

Feeling like snaking before lunchtime, eat an orange.

Not only does it taste great but it only contains 50 calories, making perfect for anyone who wants to snack on something that will help with the fat burning process.

It’s very sweet and has the right type of sugar that you should be consuming.

So if you have a sweet tooth, add this to your grocery list.

7. Tomatoes

Yes, tomato is actually a fruit or not a vegetable.

It’s a godsend food in your weight loss journey. Reason is, they are delicious, packed with antioxidants, quite filling and reduces water retention.

They put up a fight against leptin(4) which is a type of protein that prevents your body from losing weight.

See why it’s a perfect candidate?

Now don’t try to substitute fresh tomatoes for a bottle of ketchup in the supermarket.

Those are packed with sodium, processed sugar and additives that slowly destroys your body.

Bottle ketchup doesn’t count as tomatoes, always remember that.

8. Lemon

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning lemon.🍋

Since recently, lemon has been getting a lot of popularity in the weight-loss world for good reasons.

Lemon is one of the ultimate weight management fruits as its packed with nutrients that help to detoxify your body and reset the immune system.

It’s even more powerful when you combine it with apple cider vinegar and honey.

This creates a powerful weight loss elixir that boosts your results.

Make sure to check out our guide on how you can use it for 30 days and get amazing results.

See it => Here

9. Grapefruit

Even studies(5) have shown that people who consume grapefruit daily tend to lose more weight then if they didn’t.

It’s high in carbohydrates and vitamin C which makes it the perfect snack for breakfast if you’re on the run.

It has similar detoxifying properties like lemon and you can even mix it with honey and apple cider vinegar to boost its fat burning power.

10. Pomegranates

Jam packed with antioxidants, high in fiber and water content. This meets the criteria for one of the perfect weight loss fruits.

Let’s not forget to mention that it’s very low in calories, so you can chew on a couple of those seeds as it will not affect your diet.

11. Berries

Whether it’s blackberries, raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, all of them have properties that will aid in the weight-loss process.

It’s hard to scroll through Instagram feed without seeing someone topping off their oatmeal or smoothie with some berries.

All of these berries are nutrient dense, very low in calories and will keep your sweet tooth in check.

So if during the day you’re feeling a bit snack-ish you can always grab a cup of berries to help satiate that craving.

12. Avocado

Just like tomatoes, many people don’t know that avocado is a fruit. It has a high fat content but the right type of fat.

As matter a fact, you should be consuming healthy fats daily to keep your metabolism running smoothly.

One avocado has about 20g of good fats so it’s a perfect choice for someone who wants to add more healthy fat to their diet.

While making your sandwiches during day, add 1-2 slices for that extra metabolic punch!

Start adding weight loss fruits to your diet

If you realize that your daily diet doesn’t have enough fruits, then try your best to include more. This will take you much closer to your weight loss goals.

Instead of eating junk snacks you can eat any of the above mentioned fruits and get the maximum health benefits.

Make it a point of duty to pick up some of these fruits at your local farmers market.

If you can make the transition to only snacking on fruits instead of packaged goods daily, you will see a dramatic change in not only your weight but with your overall health.

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