How Often Should You Train Your Glutes? The Best Frequency

How Often Should You Train Your Glutes The Best Frequency

Last Updated on June 16, 2022 by Femniqe

Too much of anything isn’t good.

The same thing goes for glutes training, too much of it is bad for gains. How often should you workout your glutes to see good results? 3 times a week is best for glutes training.

You should be doing heavy compound lift, such as hip thrust, glute-targeting deadlifts and other glute isolation exercises 3 times a week for maximum engagement.

I know it’s pretty exciting and motivating when you just start off a new workout plan but you have to be careful as it can work against you.

It can be hard to find the right balance when training your glutes. You need to make sure you get enough rest in order to grow muscle. 

The Best Glutes Training Frequency

You should only train your glutes 3 times a week. Training any more than that can actually stop your glutes from growing bigger and stronger. 

Your glutes need time to recover between workouts, and that recovery time is just as important as the time you spend working out.

It is ideal to rest for 48 hours in-between your heavier lifting days or sessions. This will allow your glutes to recover and adapt to the strain from previous sessions. 

Make a habit of listening to your body. If you find that you’re not consistent from one workout to another, or if you don’t feel as strong on your second heavier session, then you should rest more. 

If you’re only having one day off in-between, alter that for the next week and add an extra day off.

If you’re new to glute training, resist the urge to do too much in one workout session. 

Once you’ve become proficient at the exercises and find you’re less sore as time goes on, then it’s time try more advanced glute workouts with more reps and exercises.

So Which Glute Exercises Should I Do?

A very common mistake people make is not doing any glute-focused exercises. 

Most of the time they assume a leg day is sufficient enough to target your glute muscles, but they are only working the muscles they are supposed to work such as your quads or hamstrings. 

In order to really train your glutes, you need to be doing specific exercises that target all the gluteal muscles.

When you do a glute-specific focused exercise, you will need to choose exercises that will push your glutes to the limit. You will feel it when you engage all 3 of the glute muscles, your minimus, medius, and maximus.

That being said, you need to be careful to prevent overtraining and injuries, so don’t train your glutes in the same way every day. 

Try to change up how much you’re lifting and the types of glute exercises you’re doing. For example, if you are deadlifting 30kg one day alongside hip thrusts, try to go lighter on your next session, or do a completely different butt workout routine.

When you train the muscles, they go through a process called microtears.(1)

This sounds bad, but it’s actually a good thing. Our muscles repair themselves and adapt to handle the next load they are put through. 

This helps you build bigger glutes from training sessions.

There are a lot of different butt exercises you can do to try to grow your glutes. Some of the most effective ones are hip thrusts, glute bridges, glute hyperextensions and sumo squats. 

Here’s a great example of a glute-focused workout routine in the video below:

You can add resistance to these exercises by using a resistance band or adding weight.

Signs Your Glutes Are Growing

Here are a few signs that indicate your glutes are growing: 

Increased glute size: If your glutes are getting bigger, then you’re on the right track. You can measure this by comparing your glutes circumference to previous measurements. If you see an increase, then your muscles are growing. 

Improved glute strength: If you’re lifting heavier weights or completing more reps than before, it’s a sign that your glutes are getting stronger. This is because your muscles are adapting to the stress of exercise and becoming better at handling it. 

The glutes have better endurance: If you can exercise for longer periods of time without tiring, it’s another sign that your glutes are growing. This is because your glutes are better able to use oxygen to produce energy, which helps them endure exercise for longer. 

Faster Recovery: If you’re able to recover from butt workouts faster than before, it’s a good sign that your gluteal muscles are growing. This is because your muscles are better able to repair themselves after exercise. 

All of these signs indicate that your glute muscles are growing and getting stronger. 

Can I Train Glutes Everyday?

You shouldn’t train glutes every day because they need time to recover. 

When train, you’re actually breaking down muscle tissue. In order to grow stronger, those muscles need time to repair and rebuild themselves.

If you train the same muscle group every day, you’re not giving it a chance to fully recover. As a result, you won’t see the gains you’re hoping for. In fact, you might even start to see some negative effects, like decreased strength and a smaller butt.

Training your glutes 3 times a week gives the muscles plenty of time to recover between workouts.

Remember, it’s more important to focus on quality over quantity. So, if you want to build glutes, make sure you’re giving them time to recover.

How Long Does It Takes For Glutes To Recover?

The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. It depends on a number of factors, including the type of training, the intensity of the training, and the individual’s own physiology.

With that said, there are some general guidelines that can be followed. For example, it is generally accepted that it takes around 48 hours for muscles to recover from moderate intensity training. 

However, if the training is more intense, it can take up to a week for muscles to fully recover.

It is important to note that the recovery process is not linear. In other words, the first day after a workout is not always the same as the second day. 

In fact, there may be a period of soreness and stiffness that lasts for a few days before the muscles start to feel better.

There are a few things that can be done to help the glutes recover more quickly. For example, massage, heat therapy, and stretching are all great ways to help the muscles recover. 

Additionally, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep and eating a healthy protein-sufficient diet.

How Long Should A Glute Workout Be

If you’re trying to build glutes, research(2) suggests that you need to exercise for at least 45 minutes to see results. This is because it takes time for your muscles to break down and rebuild.

But if you’re just trying to maintain your glutes mass, you can get away with shorter workouts. In fact, one study found that 20-minute workouts were just as effective as 45-minute workouts when it came to maintaining muscle mass.

So, how long should a glute workout be? The answer is at least 45 minutes. But if you’re short on time, you can still see results with a shorter 25-30 minutes workout but with less rest time in between sets.

Wrapping up

So, how often should you train your glutes? Make a glute workout plan that supports 3 times a week. 

3 times a week is all you need to start seeing results as long as you train consistently and eat a healthy diet with sufficient protein supplementation.

Always give your muscles time to rest, recover and recharge for the next workout session.

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